>>> "JK" == John Kitchin <jkitc...@andrew.cmu.edu> writes:

   > Odd indeed. I have restarted Emacs and saw the same thing. But now I
   > have a more clear picture. I think what is happening is in
   > org-html--wrap-latex-environment, there is a caption provided which are
   > the numbers. This only affects latex environments, and does not affect
   > $$ (//), etc.

   > #+RESULTS:
   > :
   > : <div class="equation-container">
   > : <span class="equation">
   > : <img 
alt="latexS2DUgE_8e5abfd22f18b9fd072a0f1273f49cd3a35040d3.png" />
   > : </span>
   > : <span class="equation-label">
   > : 1
   > : </span>
   > : </div>

Thanks for your effort. So the culprit is not org-mime, but the org
export engine.

Did you see the patch Thibault sent in a different email? I am trying
that one out, now.


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