On Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 07:11:10PM -0700, Samuel Wales wrote:
> a few things taht are probably all completely obvious or investigated
> or irrelevant just in case.  just brainstorm.

I appreciate that! That's really what I'm asking for is ideas. I don't
mind writing a bit of code, but I'm not sure where to start.

> do you have everything relevant in the same subtrees?  i.e. not
> wanting granular, can you search upward for a dominating entry kind of
> like git searching upward for the .git dir or so?  property drawer
> could control what's a dominating entry.  you probably thoguht of this
> or of having whatever categories as tags or categories in entries
> though. in any case that would clock.  you could even have clocking
> clock into that no matter wher eyou are via some timer in principle.
> just a brainstorm.  you said dynamic som perhaps there is no
> dominating entry for each category though.

The core issue is I want to report on total time as an aggregate, not
on time per task. Clock reporting gives me precise time accounting for
a specific task. I want to fill whole hours with whatever tasks
happened at those times chronologically.

> org-time-stamp-rounding-minutes and org-clock-rounding-minutes .  i
> presume you don't find them relevant.

I saw that. Interesting they don't appear to change the result, they
modify the input when you record the time by rounding.

> reminder: inactive ts in the clocked notation is usualy treated
> separately by org [i.e. not hte same type of ts] from bare ia.

I had considered perhaps converting inactive timestamps into clocking
records. Unfortunately I think the core issue remains in aggregating
by task, not by time.

Russell Adams                            rlad...@adamsinfoserv.com

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