Why not specify a :session so that data created by one block would remain
available to subsequent blocks?


On Thu, 7 Jul 2022 at 09:10, Naresh Gurbuxani <naresh_gurbux...@hotmail.com>

> I want to source some data from databases, then use this data in various
> blocks.  I am looking for the most efficient way to achieve this.  In below
> blocks, is the code in block ``connection'' executed thrice (economy of
> code but no saving of time) or is it only executed once then used twice?
> If the code is run thrice, is there another way to create code blocks so
> that the code is executed only once?
> Thanks,
> Naresh
> #+name: connection
> #+begin_src R :exports results :results output
>   ## my code here
> #+end_src
> #+begin_src R :exports results :results output graphics file :file
> figures/fig1.png
> <<connection>>
> ## my code here
> #+end_src
> #+begin_src R :exports results output graphics file :file figures/fig2.png
> <<connection>>
> ## my code here
> #+end_src

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