On Sat, Jan 14, 2023 at 08:32:30PM +1100, Tim Cross wrote:
> If org was to add TZ capabilities to timestamps, the underlying format
> would have to be UTC. My previous post where I suggested there was two
> 'layers', the underlying storage layer (used for calculations like
> duration or comparison etc) and a presentation layer (what the human
> sees, which is often in whatever their local TZ is).

One of the key issues is that Org timestamps were supposed to be human
writable and readable.

Computer generated timestamps can easily be long and complex, and
potentially hidden under a presentation layer.

I have yet to see a proposal that really satisfies both use cases.

Writing incomplete timestamps as a human means timestamps in $TZ. Long
computer generated timestamps may prefer UTC or to include timezone
information (ie: ISO 8601 or RFC 3339).

Can't Org also ready diary formatted timestamps? Do those include
timezones? I know they include better repeat information. Maybe we can
build on that?

Russell Adams                            rlad...@adamsinfoserv.com

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