Recently, a breaking change has been introduced in Org mode that sets the
default tab-width to 8 spaces ( This change
has made using Python source blocks in Org mode challenging, as operations
like `evil-org->` rely on `tab-width`, and Python code conventions
typically use 4 spaces for indentation.

Moreover, using 8 spaces for indentation is generally unsuitable for small
laptop screens, where screen real estate is of utmost importance.
Personally, I have been using a hook to force `tab-width` back to 4 spaces,
but this has resulted in persistent warnings:
Error running timer 'org-indent-initialize-agent': (error "Tab width in Org
files must be 8, not 4.  Please adjust your 'tab-width' settings for Org
mode.") [4 times]

In my opinion, the touted benefits of consistency brought by this breaking
change do not justify the inconvenience it causes. I prefer customizable
software that can be adapted to various situations, rather than enforcing
uniform behavior.

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