On Oct 2, 2009, at 5:23 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:

Darlan Cavalcante Moreira <darc...@gmail.com> wrote:

At Fri, 2 Oct 2009 08:55:22 +0200,
Carsten Dominik wrote:
Do we need to implement a way so that text can be made to flow around
a figure, just as it is possible in HTML export?  What would be the
right LaTeX package to use for this purpose?

The Latex wikibook
suggests the wrapfigure package, but it also warns that some manual adjustments is often required. Therefore, if this is implemented in the latex exporter it is probably a good idea to provide options to include latex commands that will be put before and after the \includegraphics command. See the example in the section "Tip for figures with too much white space" of the wikibook where some
\vspace were used to adjust white space around the figure.

... and the TeX FAQ seems to agree that wrapfig is probably the best option:


It also mentions some additional limitations.


OK, I have now modified image placement in LaTeX.

1. Image in text


2. Floating image with caption and modified size and placement

   #+CAPTION: My caption
   #+ATTR_LATEX: placement=[H] width=0.6\textwidth

3. Wrapping text around the image

   #+ATTR_LaTeX: wrap
   #+ATTR_HTML: align="left"

4. Wrapping text around the image with modified size and wrapfigure placement

   #+ATTR_LaTeX: wrap width=0.38\textwidth placement={r}{0.4\textwidth
   #+ATTR_HTML: align="right" width="250"

Even if there is a caption, wrap will work and force the
image to be non-floating with text wrapped around.


- Carsten

P.S. if you have customized org-export-latex-classes, you might have to undo, then redo this customization, or add the float and wrapfigure environments by hand
to all classes you want to use.

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