Hi Stefan,

Thanks a lot for your help, much appreciated.
I've done some more searching and decided to delay using Aquamacs for now.
My reasoning is that I at least want to try to remain as compatible as possible, i.e. linux, win XP and OS X. Being fairly new to OS X, I already suffer from differences in keyb shortcuts and such.

For instance square brackets put me through a lot of trouble.
I found (on azerty laptop kb) I can get square brackets in OS X using "option + shift + (" and "option + shift + )"
However this will not work with Emacs....

Are there any specific differences in keyboard shortcuts for Aquamacs compared to "standard" emacs the way we find it on Windows and Linux?

Thanks a lot,


On 12/07/2010 23:02, Stefan Vollmar wrote:
Dear Erwin,

On 11.07.2010, at 17:43, Erwin Panen wrote:

This is perhaps a trivial question, so please bear with me.

I recently switched over to Mac, so I'm not familiar yet with all inside-out 
Mac. At first I installed Aquamacs, but to be more compatible I'd prefer to 
keep up with org-mode using git.

I managed to install homebrew, next git, and was able to use git to get a clone 
of org-mode so that's allright.
(using git clone git://repo.or.cz/org-mode.git)
Next I tried to follow the FAQ: How do I keep current with Org mode 

When I do: $ cd org-mode&&  make&&  make doc&&  make install
everything seems to go allright, but I get an error in the end complaining 
about LateX not being installed.
So I installed MacTEX and tried running the above once more, with the same 

Here is a small recipe for using the latest Org-mode development version with 
Aquamacs which works fine for me.

(1) Do a

git clone git://repo.or.cz/org-mode.git

in some directory of your choide, e.g. your home directory. (I believe, you 
have already done that.)

(2) cd to the new "org-mode" directory. Assuming you have installed Aquamacs in 
/Applications (default), change line 14 to:


(3) make lisp/org-install.el
(4) make compile

(5) (optional and requires MacTeX or similar)
make doc/org.pdf

(6) Insert these lines in your .emacs file:

(setq load-path (cons "~/org-mode/lisp" load-path))
(require 'org-install)

this assumes that (1) created an org-mode directory in your home directory.

(7) Restart Aquamacs (you can later find out about more subtle methods than 
restarting Emacs which does not take long these days)

Warm regards,

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