Hi folks,

Trying to get my head round setting up MobileOrg :-)
I don't consider myself a real orgmode expert, but I (seem) to find my way round. (This is mainly due to me wanting to "really grasp" anything, and of course the combination Emacs / Orgmode / lisp has a seemingly neverending list of capabilities - so it takes some time to "grasp" a little...)

What am I doing?
- I've set up Emacs / Orgmode on my newly acquired MacBook, this is done (see other helfull posts) - I've MobileOrg on my iPhone and iPad (any sight on a HD update for mobileorg?) - I've also setup a DropBox account, and setup MobileOrg to sync with it. - This seems to be working

Now I'm trying to imitate what Richard Moreland has recorded in his screencast. I come to realize that MobileOrg functions / depends on creating agenda views. I'm not very proficient with agenda views, but I've found that any org file that I add to the "File list for Agenda" gets synched to my Dropbox folder, and synched to my iPad - So I think this is Ok, and I'm glad I understand this.

Now what I'm missing - and here's my real question:
- On my iPad / iPhone I don't see any TODO tags or TAGS appearing.
I have created Richard's main.org file, and copied over these, but I don't see any TODO state or such coming up:
#+STARTUP: showsome
#+TAGS:    { home work garage errand }
-----------------------------end copy----------------------------

What am I missing here?

Thanks for your patience & help!


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