Hi Nick and Mark

On 2011-03-15 16:59, Nick Dokos wrote:
I think Mark is using C-c a L to get the timeline: that's where the problem
lies. C-c a a works fine.

Oh ****. Sorry for all the noise. I was really unobservant. I've never used C-c a L so I'd just assumed there was only one agenda view with dated entries.

Trying again (using C-c a L). All expected dates listed, but those that did *not* appear are in parentheses:

TODO Pay Cell Phone Bill TriMonthly <2011-01-15 Sat +90d>
2011-01-15, (2011-04-15), (2011-07-14)

TODO [#A] Bath for dog <2011-03-10 Thu +1w>
2011-03-10, (2011-03-17), 2011-03-24, 2011-03-31, 2011-04-07, (2011-04-14)...and 6 more intervening weeks missing...2011-06-02...and then 8 more missing (up to 2011-07-31)

Do this every 3 months <2011-03-28 Mon +90d>
2011-03-28, (2011-06-26)

The timeline stopped at 2011-07-31, I assume because that's the last actual date in the file. Adding another entry

* End of year <2011-12-31>

to force another 5 months, and redoing the Timeline added no extra repeating items at all, just the "End of year entry" preceeded by "[... 153 empty days omitted]"

So my results agree with yours, Mark.

Sorry again for previously adding confusion to the mix.

Chris Randle

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