Hi Bastien,

I'm using head of git repository and Eric Schulte has just added a feature to org-babel,
which I do use very often (expanding macros in src blocks).
Tangling without that new feature produce corrupt code files.

So I would like to give a hint to myself (as I run different Emacse in various virtual machines) and perhaps to colleques,
if they would like to use the org-file as well.

So if that feature will be still included in next stable org-mode release, I can compare to string =org-version= less or greater 7.5
but in the meantime I would like to compare to  a certain git revision.

I have to take a look into git manual, right?

Thank you very much


Am 17.03.2011 08:18, schrieb Bastien:
Hi Olaf,

"Olaf.Hamann"<o.ham...@gmx.net>  writes:

is there any org-mode expression for saying "this org-file needs
org-version>  xxx"
No.  In what case is it useful?  Org tries to be backward compatible
and can export any _old_ .org formatted file I can think of.

Do you have an example where it is needed?

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