Hi there,

I'm a quite recent user of org-mode (just a few months, very partial
usage for now), and a python developer.
Since I spend almost all my time in Emacs, org-mode is the most
efficient tool to keep track of my working time.

Now the question : are you aware of a python library to parse org files ?
The ultimate goal would be to write an importer for OpenERP, which is
itself written in python, and of course I'd prefer not to reinvent the

A simple search on the web returned a project called OrgNode or orgtils,
hosted at Google Code :
but it lacks as far as I can tell the capability of understanding CLOCK
markers and is not published on pypi.python.org either.

Perhaps is the author on this list, too ? Are there other known
libraries around that may prove useful ?

Being quite new to this game, I could be mistaken, but it doesn't seem
to have anything to do with org-babel, right ?

And please, don't hesitate to tell if this ain't the right mailing-list
for that kind of question :-)


Georges Racinet, http://www.racinet.fr
Zope/CPS expertise, assistance & development
GPG: 0x4862FFF7 identi.ca & twitter: gracinet

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