I have been using the attached test.org file as part of my org-odt
related work.

The usual steps I follow for testing are quite simple:
1. Visit the file
2. Export it to xhtml or odt
3. Visually make sure that everything is OK.

I would like to add this file to the testing dir of the trunk. This file
would be a good starting point for not only validating but also
documenting (the quirks?) of various exporters.

At the moment, I am not very inclined to have it integrated with
ert[1]. Based on my experience, the standalone test.org file has proven
it's worth multiple times over during the development phase.

What do you think? I am happy to hear feedback on 

1. what to put in that test.org 
2. where to put the test.org 
3. how to have it integrated with test framework.

Attachment: tests.tar
Description: tests.tar

[1]  This is mostly because I don't know nothing about ert.


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