
Great work with the new functions allowing time calculations in the
spreadsheet! Just a few remarks.. The default format is MM:SS and hours have
to be qualified by using three positions HH:MM:SS.

Would it not be smart if the default for this calculations is the same as
the time-format for the clock table? There the default is HH:MM - i presume
due to the superfluity of seconds.

I do not really care which format is the default but being able to use the
time calculation on my org-mode-generated time-table, without having to
manually add :SS to each string, would be great..

And another question, negative time? I realize that this sounds strange from
a philosophical point of view... but being able to use minus in time-cells
would be neat.

As an example i've attached a dummy-timetable to this mail to illustrate my
point. Column 6 and Row 2, column 5 & 6 is generated by the time-function.

Clock summary at [2011-07-09 Sat 11:50]

| Headline     |     Time |        | Proj Δ | Task Δ |    Proj |
| *Total time* | *359:50* |        |     10 |   -285 |    2:13 |
| Project 1    |   287:55 |        |  05:00 |        |       0 |
| Task 1       |          | 239:50 |        |  10:00 | 4:09:50 |
| Task 2       |          |  48:05 |        |   -300 |   43:05 |
| Project 2    |    71:55 |        |  05:00 |        |       0 |
| Task 1       |          |  47:50 |        |  10:00 |   57:50 |
| Task 2       |          |  24:05 |        |  -5:00 |   29:05 |
#+TBLFM: $6=$3+$5;T::@2$4='(apply '+ '(@3..@8));T::@2$5=vsum(@3..@8);T::@2

Also, summations over multiple columns or rows does not seem to be working

Regards Gustav

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