
How can I auto-answer the question from the subject line with «n»
(per default) any time it is asked?

Background story:

I am using org-decrypt on two files and I've got additional files
where I do not use any encryption at all.

But when I start my Emacs with my five most used org-files (which do
not use encryption), I have to answer five times the question
mentioned in the subject line above using «n» as answer.

I've already found the comment on the bottom of [1] and the
discussion of [2].

I *do* have deactivated auto-save by using the method explained in
[3] for my Org-files where I am using encryption. So I am save here
I guess.

But what I want to get rid of is this unnecessary question. I do not
want to be asked and have to answer with «no» because where it
matters, I already deactivated auto-save. So auto-save should be
«on» per default.

How can I accomplish this behavior?

And: shouldn't this be appended to [1]?

  1. http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/encrypting-files.html
  2. http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/43262
  3. http://anirudhs.chaosnet.org/blog/2005.01.21.html
Karl Voit

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