1) How might it be possible to set custom expansion headlines for
capture templates?

For example, using the symbols from the capture note itself (kind of),
something like this:

(setq org-capture-templates
  '(("j" "journal" entry (file+olp "~/org/refile.org" "Journals" "%yyyy-mm")
         "* %u %? \n" :clock-in t :clock-resume t)))

To produce something like:

* Journals
** 2011-Jul
*** [2011-07-27 Wed] thing I'm capturing

2) Also, it seems that capture needs a single target file (refile.org
above), but most of the time, I just like to use it as an interface to
quickly file to any file. The tree structure options seem to only
apply to the target file; when refiling within capture (C-c C-w to a
file vs. sending off to refile.org), it will just send the headline
itself to something I have to manually specify for the refile target.

In other words:

--- C-c C-c automatically puts it into a datetree or whatever in refile.org
--- C-c C-w requires that I have the same datetree structure manually
created in a file other than refile.org, and then I have to choose it
by typing some letters, tabbing to completion, typing the next level
headline, tab completing, etc.

How can I refile to a set tree structure across any number of files via capture?


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