Hsiu-Khuern Tang <tan...@gmail.com> writes:
> I haven't found a similar report on the mailing list.  Since C-c C-o
> is quite basic and many people must use it, I'm guessing I'm doing
> something wrong.  Help please?

Since you don't really say what you're doing it is hard to tell, but my
guess is you are either using an uncompiled or partially compiled
version of org-mode and/or the org-install.el is not current (or
present).  If you are using an uncompiled version, try:

make clean
make autoloads

Otherwise if you've installed org-mode previously, try a re-install:

make clean
make install

Check that you have

(require 'org-install)

in your startup sequence somewhere and that it picks up the correct
org-install.el (from your version of org-mode, not the one that comes
with your version of emacs).

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