Hi Derek,

If you name your code block, then it should be possible to update
results without any need to replace the lines preceding the results.

For example,

#+source: disk-usage
#+begin_src sh

#+PLOT: title:"Disk Usage" ind:6 deps:(5) type:2d with:histograms set:"yrange 
#+results: disk-usage
| Filesystem | 1K-blocks |     Used | Available | Use% | Mounted   | on |
| /dev/sda6  |  28835836 |  8447712 |  18923344 |  31% | /         |    |
| none       |   2997072 |      676 |   2996396 |   1% | /dev      |    |
| none       |   3006056 |        0 |   3006056 |   0% | /dev/shm  |    |
| none       |   3006056 |       96 |   3005960 |   1% | /var/run  |    |
| none       |   3006056 |        0 |   3006056 |   0% | /var/lock |    |
| /dev/sda7  | 144176824 | 72225604 |  64627420 |  53% | /home     |    |

Derek Thomas <derekctho...@gmail.com> writes:

> I have found that using org-plot to plot the results output of an
> org-babel code block is very useful in prototyping my code.  One minor
> annoyance is the need to remove and replace the #+PLOT: header at the
> beginning of the results output.  Is it possible to specify a
> "preamble" in the source block?  I am looking to produce something
> like this:
> #+begin_src sh :results wrap
> ./dtest
> #+end_src
> #+PLOT: ind:1 deps:(2)
> #+results:
> | 0.000000000000000E+000 |                     1.0 |
> | 9.999999776482582E-003 |       0.990000000223517 |
> | 1.999999955296516E-002 |       0.980000000447035 |
> | 2.999999932944775E-002 |       0.970000000670552 |
> | 3.999999910593033E-002 |        0.96000000089407 |
> | 4.999999888241291E-002 |       0.950000001117587 |
> Thanks,
> Derek

Eric Schulte

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