Hi Michael,

Michael Gilbert <m...@gilbert.org> writes:

> Basically, I'm just looking for a way to narrow the scope of the clock
> total to the current iteration of task, in the context of the column
> view of the agenda. Comparing effort to total doesn't make a lot of
> sense if the former is an estimate per iteration and the latter is an
> total over all iterations.

I don't know a solution to solve this (yet). I have the same "problem" 
with column view and repeated items, but I never found time to locate
where all this column mode trickery happens, especially because I think all
that overlay stuff is way out of my league ...

I personally just ignore the clock total in my daily agenda and focus on
the effort column. But every time I clock a task in, there is this nice
reminder in the modeline which tells me: Hey, org *knows* already the
necessary number, its figured out someplace and put right there in my
modeline: Having that in agenda-daily column view would be cool, but as
I said, no time and probably too hard for me...


P.S.: Tired as hell, I hope what I wrote makes any sense at all and
there are not too many typos ... Its almost 05am here.

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