On 15/12/11 18:26:32, Jambunathan K wrote:
> Alan
> > That solved the problem. I was loading an old version.
> If you had copied "etc/styles" dir by hand to the installation dir I
> would consider that a bug.
> This copying should happen auto-magically.
> I hope things work auto-magically now without any manual 
> intervention.

Everything is perfect. And I am very, very impressed with the odt 

My publishers require me to submit stuff in .doc format even though 
they don't use it for publishing. This will be a fantastic boon for me 
to deal with these people. Thanks so much Jambunathan.

OT: I am the author of a 600+ page textbook which I have written in 
LaTeX and maintain through a version control system. They require 
submission in Word, then I deal with an editor, then the publisher uses 
a specialised version of docbook to publish. It is absolutely 

> -- 

Alan L Tyree                    http://www2.austlii.edu.au/~alan
Tel:  04 2748 6206

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