we will have 3 students hacking Org thanks to Google and the GSoC
program.  The list of all accepted projects can be checked here:


Congratulations to Thorsten, Aurélien and Andrew who made it!
And special thanks to Thorsten, who really pushed me into this.

Here is a short description of these projects:

Bugpile - a bugtracker for GNU Emacs Org-mode written in Elisp and
Org-mode (Thorsten)

   The Bugpile project has two goals: 1. Develop a bugtracker (called
   Bugpile) for GNU Emacs Org-mode, using Elisp, Elnode, Org-mode, and a
   dVCS. 2. As part of the engineering process, abstract out a
   web-framework (called iOrg) based on these GNU Emacs technologies. A
   web-framework written in Elisp, with Org files used for database
   functionality, is a new approach that enables interactive web
   applications built on top of GNU Emacs. Bugpile is an example
   application, but useful in itself.

Great news!

For the dim witted (me) can you explain if Bugpile is meant to be a bug tracker specifically for tracking bugs in Emacs and org, or can it be used as a generic bug tracker for any project.


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