John Hendy <> writes:

> On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 4:35 AM, Søren Aagaard Mikkelsen
> <> wrote:
>> I have used orgmode for a while, but hasn't used any of its advanced
>> features that much. I'm currently writing a minutes report and what to
>> export a specific subtree, e.g.
>> * Minutes from <2013-01-11>
>> * Minutes from <2013-01-18>    <--- Want to export this only
>> Then I press C-c @, which marks the subtree, and then I press C-c C-e
>> and export it as a pdf-document.
>> The problem is that I want the top section to remain the same, i.e. "Minutes 
>> from
>> <2013-01-18>" is the top section and the others to be subsection of
>> that.
>> Currently, it surely exports the right subtree but the top-section is
>> not "Minutes from <2013-01-18>", but the bullet after that.
> I get the same behavior. Does it need to export it in a "tree" like
> format, or would you be okay with your top level headline (the one you
> want exported, but which is currently not) being the actual title of
> the document? Or is that what you're currently getting.

This is what I'm currently getting. I want to have a document with all my
minutes and my idea is, that I should be able to export one heading for
each meeting, so I can prepare an agenda and afterwards fill in the
outcome of the discussions.

> With default settings (org-export-latex-title-command "\\maketitle"),
> I get the top-most headline of the marked subtree as my document title
> and the next level headline as the first section. Is this what you're
> getting, or the top headline text isn't showing up in the document at
> all?

Yes, I get the same result. I don't want subsections to be promoted to
sections when I export the org-markup. Is that possible?

> If having it as the title would work, you would get:
> ----------
> [centered]Minutes from <2013-01-18>[centered]
> A bit of white space
> Any text directly under "Minutes from <2013-01-18>"...
> [section] The first headline under "Minutes from <2013-01-18>" [section]
> text under that headline
> [section 2] The second headline under "Minutes from <2013-01-18>" [section]
> text under that headline
> ----------
> If it's just the centered text/bit white space gap you don't like, I'm
> sure there's LaTeX header arguments you could put in your Org document
> or setupfile to left-align the title and remove the space. What do you
> think of that option?
> Also... just to save you *one* keystroke,  you can put your cursor on
> the headline of interest and do =C-e 1 p=, which I think does the same
> as marking the whole subtree with =C-c @ C-e p=.
> John

Thanks for the keystroke advice. Love a bit of emacs-hints :)

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