Hi Jay,

Jay Kerns <gjkerns...@gmail.com> writes:

> Alright, here goes: it looks like the maint branch does not yet
> include the new exporter (ox-latex.el and such).  


> The whole point of
> my working on this to begin with was to get something compatible with
> the new exporter, so rather than go back all over again to make
> something work with something that's set to be outdated in the coming
> months (weeks?) anyway, I'd rather sit tight on the work done so far
> and patiently look forward to the new exporter's merge from master to
> maint.

This should happen before the end of March.

> In the meantime, the latest updated draft (little more than some
> tweaks of Erik Iverson's original work) is here:
> https://github.com/gjkerns/org-mode-R-tutorial

Thanks -- another issue for Worg (on top of the maint/master issue)
is that allowing evaluation of code blocks, R code blocks included,
is not permitted.  So the document can exhibit those R blocks, but
the resulting .png should be produced outside Worg and included
there as pictures.

> I've confirmed just now that it successfully exports to PDF/HTML under
> the new exporter based on a freshly pulled org from git mere minutes
> ago.  There's still work to be done, and I welcome
> suggestions/corrections in the balance of time between now and when
> some rendition of this can safely land on Worg.

I'm offline right now and can't test.  I hope someone else on the list
can help with this.



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