I can't use git protocol due to being behind a firewall at work,
otherwise I would. I was trying to clone Worg via http protocol and am
getting an error

#+begin_src bash

$ git clone http://orgmode.org/w/worg.git
Cloning into 'worg'...
error: The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden while accessing
fatal: HTTP request failed


I guess I figured I could given the line later on, which says, "If you
already have your local clone of Worg obtained via http protocol,..."

As a side note (forgive being a git novice if this should be evident),
I don't get this setting suggestion for .gitconfig:

[url "git://w...@orgmode.org:worg.git"]
  pushInsteadOf = http://repo.or.cz/r/

If the pull was from orgmode.org/w/worg.git, why am I setting an
option to push with git to repo.or.cz?

Any suggestions?


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