I cannot replicate this. `C-c C-e o o' works as expected. I don't use
openwith, so that may be where the problem lies.


John Hendy writes:

> I'm on =release_8.0-pre-181-ge7cfb4= and with =C-e o o=, LibreOffice
> immediately opens the file. I'd expect this with =C-e o O=, but not
> with =C-e o o=.
> I noticed that I have an openwith process running =soffice
> /path/to/file.odt=... is the exporter somehow triggering openwith to
> open it even though I haven't said to do so upon export? Here's my
> settings in .emacs:
> (openwith-associations (quote (("\\.pdf\\'" "evince" (file))
> ("\\.mp3\\'" "vlc" (file)) ("\\.\\(?:mpe?g\\|avi\\|wmv\\|mov\\)\\'"
> "vlc" ("-idx" file)) ("\\.\\(?:jp?g\\|png\\)\\'" "geeqie" (file))
> ("\\.\\(?:odg\\|odt\\|docx\\|doc\\)\\'" "soffice" (file))
> ("\\.\\(?:odp\\|ppt\\|pptx\\)\\'" "soffice" (file))
> ("\\.\\(?:xls\\|xlsx\\|ods\\)\\'" "soffice" (file)))))
> John

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