Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> writes:

> OK, so as I assumed, there is no method out there to read RSS feeds
> with Emacs and sync to mobile Android devices (content and
> read/unread information).

Let me propose another way to fulfill the same need:

To my mind, there is not much difference between fetching unread rss and
fetching unread mails. Then why bother trying to duplicate the effort in
mail readers and rss readers?

I use feed2imap for 2 years now and it works really well. It is a ruby
script that sync your rss (atom) feeds and put new resources on an imap
server with a specified label. Nonetheless, AFAIK, It does not provide a
way to get to the full content of the resources like Full Text RSS does.

If you put a dedicated (let's say RSS) label to all the rss and with a
little bit of configuration, You are able to read unread mails and
unread rss independently.

It fulfills the needs (read rss within emacs and android with a 2 ways
sync) indirectly for me because I read my mails in emacs and I have a
mail reader in android (K9Mail).

There are also alternatives using smtp protocol to send the items as

> Well, in this case I have to switch to another cloud based services
> which hopefully does not quit soon.

My proposal relies on a server constantly connected to the Internet and
updating some imap account with the rss items. I guess you may want a
more "decentralized" solution with a sync between android and emacs.

If it is the case and you find a solution providing that, I would love
to read it in that mailing list.

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