Am 08.05.2013 22:50, schrieb Roland Donat:
Yes, you're right Andreas. It "fails" to show the accented characters if
try to print the entire tuple.
It fails too if you evaluate a[0][0] in your interpreter. You should see
But print a[0][0] gives the expected answer 'é'

So, based on your successful experience consisting in returning a[0][0]
the orgmode source block, we can assume that org-babel use the python
function to display results in org buffer, aren't we?

Another strange behaviour, when you evaluate the src_block test given in
example, you get :
| \303\251 | a        |
| a        | \303\240 |

Whereas I was expecting to get the same code than in the python
that is :
| \xc3\xa9 | a          |
| a        | '\xc3\xa0' |

In addition, when I try to save my buffer, Emacs doesn't recognize the
encoding of characters \303\251 and \303\240 and asks me to choose an
encoding. Then, I enter utf-8 and nothing happens BUT when I quit and
my file : the characters are printed correctly.... Too strange for



so what about that:

a = ( ( "é", "a" ), ( "a", "à" ) )
for i, j in a:
      print i, j

BTW previous post was sent prematurely..


Yep, using a couple of for loops will work but the result won't return as a
table which is a requirement for me.

To precise the context a littre more, I have basically 2 source blocks :
1) the famous python block which must return a table
2) a R block used to post-process the previous table

Well, thanks for your help.
I think I spent too much time on this so I'm thinking about changing my
approach. For example, put the result of the first step into a file and then
process the file in step 2.

Best regards,


Just playing a little bit with your example, what about this:

#+begin_src python :results output :preamble # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
a = ( ( "é", "a" ), ( "a", "à" ) )
for i, j in a:
    print("|%s | %s|" % (i, j))

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