
due to my increasing use of MobileOrg and, as a result, the
synchronisation it provides with Google's calendar, I am finding that
using the :LOCATION: property in an appointment in org is quite
useful.  However, most of the time I use org's agenda view to see my
appointments.  I have a few questions, if I may:

1. I can use column view in the agenda to see specific
     properties.  However, column view doesn't work well with the time
     grid.  Is it possible to include the time information, as shown in
     the normal agenda view, in a column view?  I currentlly have

     : (setq org-agenda-overriding-columns-format "%5TODO %40ITEM %LOCATION 

     which works quite well except for the absence of time information.

2. Can the column view be customised to get rid of the | characters?
     They make sense sometimes but I find them ugly in my agenda view.

3. alternatively, can one customise the line for the agenda view to
     include specific properties (i.e. LOCATION in my case)?  Probably
     not... if not, it would be nice to have a fully customisable
     org-agenda-line-format variable similar to what gnus provides for
     summary lines, group lines, etc.  Consider this a feature request
     for org 9.0.  ;-)

As usual, none of the above is critical in any sense!  Just me finding
yet more reasons to avoid getting real work done... ;-)


: Eric S Fraga, GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D
: in Emacs and Org release_8.0.2-68-g40635b

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