David Masterson <dsmaster...@gmail.com> writes:

> Achim Gratz <strom...@nexgo.de> writes:
>> David Masterson writes:
>>> Something doesn't seem right and I'm sure I'm missing some key in
>>> understanding how its supposed to work.  What I see right now seems like
>>> something doesn't match up -- particularly with the Org package:
>>> 1. Most modern Emacs have Org pre-installed.
>>> 2. Unfortunately, that Org is not up-to-date (24.3 has 7.9.3f).
>>> 3. Therefore, installing the latest Org package seems natural.
>> The pitfall here is that you _must_ do the first install of the Org
>> package from an Emacs that didn't load any part of the built-in Org.
> What does this mean?  Does this mean you expect people to build Emacs
> from scratch just to ensure they do not have Org built-in?

I believe it means the installation must be done from an Emacs instance
that hasn't loaded any Org mode functions yet.

  You must make sure there are no =Org-mode= functions loaded while
  the update is done. For that, exit Emacs and then run Emacs without
  loading your =.emacs= (=Emacs -Q=). Remove the old =Org-mode=
  #+BEGIN_SRC sh
  rm -rf ~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-”Tab”
  where =Tab= means press =Tab= to see and auto complete the old
  =Org-mode= directory you want to remove. Finally, update =Org-mode=
  (=M-x package-install RET org RET=) and restart Emacs as usual.

See http://nickhigham.wordpress.com/2013/07/05/emacs-org-mode-version-8/

Thomas S. Dye

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