> You mentioning pandoc as one of the tools to use made me finally sit
> down and look at it.  I am very glad I did.  Just today, I started
> working on a paper that has to be in Word format in the end.  This is
> always annoying but especially when the paper has mathematics in
> it.

I have been totally addicted to Org-mode, and find it absurd to write in Word. 
On the other hand, none of my collaborators use LaTeX or Org. For a long time, 
I produced PDFs, circulated them, and then in the end, when others had to work 
on the document, bit my lip and converted it painfully to Word, manually fixing 
all LaTeX-specific stuff.

Pandoc is a treat and clearly the way to go, at least until development of odt 
exporter catches up. 

Am glad you found the document useful. If you have any feedback from your 
group, particularly on parts that you would think need improvement, do share 
them with me.


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