Daimrod <daim...@gmail.com> writes:

> It wasn't possible, but it is now. I've slightly modified
> `org-contacts-export-as-vcard' so that it will prompt for a user name
> when called with a prefix argument.

This is in git?

> The new function's behovior when called interactively is the following:
> 1. no prefix : do as before, export all contacts to
>   `org-contacts-vcard-file'.
> 2. C-u : prompt for a contact name and use the contact at point if it
>   exists, then export the matching contacts to
>   `org-contacts-vcard-file'.
> 3. C-u C-u : same as 2. but prompt for a file name where to export
>    instead of `org-contacts-vcard-file'.
> 4. C-u C-u C-u : same as 3. but prompt for a buffer name instead of a
>    file name.

How about export to kill-ring?

Esben Stien is b0ef@e     s      a             
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