Flyspell mode marks 2 letter words as misspelled while
    ispell-word ignores 2 letter words.  This leaves one unable to
    correct some Flyspell flagged words using M-$.

Given that M-$ is typed explicitly by the user, I can't see a reason
to disregard what the user asked to do.  So I'm inclined to take
out that condition, and make it check whatever word the user asks
it to check.  See the patch below.

Does anyone see a drawback in this?

    I'm quite surprised I find no option to ignore words with numbers
    or that contain only capital letters.

Could you tell me more precisely what you think those options should
do?  I don't think that M-$ should ignore such words.  If you go
to a word which is all caps and type M-$, it should check that word.
Which features should ignore these words?  flyspell?  ispell-buffer?

It should be easy to implement the feature once it's clear what
the feature should do.

*** ispell.el   10 Jun 2005 09:28:22 -0400      1.165
--- ispell.el   25 Jun 2005 18:50:15 -0400      
*** 1468,1547 ****
            end (car (cdr (cdr word)))
            word (car word))
!       ;; now check spelling of word if it has 3 or more characters.
!       (cond
!        ((> (length word) 2)
!       (or quietly
!           (message "Checking spelling of %s..."
!                    (funcall ispell-format-word word)))
!       (ispell-send-string "%\n")      ; put in verbose mode
!       (ispell-send-string (concat "^" word "\n"))
!       ;; wait until ispell has processed word
!       (while (progn
!                (ispell-accept-output)
!                (not (string= "" (car ispell-filter)))))
!       ;;(ispell-send-string "!\n") ;back to terse mode.
!       (setq ispell-filter (cdr ispell-filter)) ; remove extra \n
!       (if (and ispell-filter (listp ispell-filter))
!           (if (> (length ispell-filter) 1)
!               (error "Ispell and its process have different character maps")
!             (setq poss (ispell-parse-output (car ispell-filter)))))
!       (cond ((eq poss t)
!              (or quietly
!                  (message "%s is correct"
!                           (funcall ispell-format-word word)))
!              (and (fboundp 'extent-at)
!                   (extent-at start)
!                   (delete-extent (extent-at start))))
!             ((stringp poss)
!              (or quietly
!                  (message "%s is correct because of root %s"
!                           (funcall ispell-format-word word)
!                           (funcall ispell-format-word poss)))
!              (and (fboundp 'extent-at)
!                   (extent-at start)
!                   (delete-extent (extent-at start))))
!             ((null poss) (message "Error in ispell process"))
!             (ispell-check-only        ; called from ispell minor mode.
!              (if (fboundp 'make-extent)
!                  (let ((ext (make-extent start end)))
!                    (set-extent-property ext 'face ispell-highlight-face)
!                    (set-extent-property ext 'priority 2000))
!                (beep)
!                (message "%s is incorrect"(funcall ispell-format-word word))))
!             (t                        ; prompt for correct word.
!              (save-window-excursion
!                (setq replace (ispell-command-loop
!                               (car (cdr (cdr poss)))
!                               (car (cdr (cdr (cdr poss))))
!                               (car poss) start end)))
!              (cond ((equal 0 replace)
!                     (ispell-add-per-file-word-list (car poss)))
!                    (replace
!                     (setq new-word (if (atom replace) replace (car replace))
!                           cursor-location (+ (- (length word) (- end start))
!                                              cursor-location))
!                     (if (not (equal new-word (car poss)))
!                         (progn
!                           (delete-region start end)
!                           (setq start (point))
!                           (ispell-insert-word new-word)
!                           (setq end (point))))
!                     (if (not (atom replace)) ;recheck spelling of replacement
!                         (progn
!                           (if (car (cdr replace)) ; query replace requested
!                               (save-window-excursion
!                                 (query-replace word new-word t)))
!                           (goto-char start)
!                           ;; single word could be split into multiple words
!                           (setq ispell-quit (not (ispell-region start end)))
!                           ))))
!              ;; keep if rechecking word and we keep choices win.
!              (if (get-buffer ispell-choices-buffer)
!                  (kill-buffer ispell-choices-buffer))))
!       (ispell-pdict-save ispell-silently-savep)
!       ;; NB: Cancels ispell-quit incorrectly if called from ispell-region
!       (if ispell-quit (setq ispell-quit nil replace 'quit))))
        (goto-char cursor-location)     ; return to original location
--- 1468,1544 ----
            end (car (cdr (cdr word)))
            word (car word))
!       (or quietly
!         (message "Checking spelling of %s..."
!                  (funcall ispell-format-word word)))
!       (ispell-send-string "%\n")      ; put in verbose mode
!       (ispell-send-string (concat "^" word "\n"))
!       ;; wait until ispell has processed word
!       (while (progn
!              (ispell-accept-output)
!              (not (string= "" (car ispell-filter)))))
!       ;;(ispell-send-string "!\n") ;back to terse mode.
!       (setq ispell-filter (cdr ispell-filter)) ; remove extra \n
!       (if (and ispell-filter (listp ispell-filter))
!         (if (> (length ispell-filter) 1)
!             (error "Ispell and its process have different character maps")
!           (setq poss (ispell-parse-output (car ispell-filter)))))
!       (cond ((eq poss t)
!            (or quietly
!                (message "%s is correct"
!                         (funcall ispell-format-word word)))
!            (and (fboundp 'extent-at)
!                 (extent-at start)
!                 (delete-extent (extent-at start))))
!           ((stringp poss)
!            (or quietly
!                (message "%s is correct because of root %s"
!                         (funcall ispell-format-word word)
!                         (funcall ispell-format-word poss)))
!            (and (fboundp 'extent-at)
!                 (extent-at start)
!                 (delete-extent (extent-at start))))
!           ((null poss) (message "Error in ispell process"))
!           (ispell-check-only        ; called from ispell minor mode.
!            (if (fboundp 'make-extent)
!                (let ((ext (make-extent start end)))
!                  (set-extent-property ext 'face ispell-highlight-face)
!                  (set-extent-property ext 'priority 2000))
!              (beep)
!              (message "%s is incorrect"(funcall ispell-format-word word))))
!           (t                          ; prompt for correct word.
!            (save-window-excursion
!              (setq replace (ispell-command-loop
!                             (car (cdr (cdr poss)))
!                             (car (cdr (cdr (cdr poss))))
!                             (car poss) start end)))
!            (cond ((equal 0 replace)
!                   (ispell-add-per-file-word-list (car poss)))
!                  (replace
!                   (setq new-word (if (atom replace) replace (car replace))
!                         cursor-location (+ (- (length word) (- end start))
!                                            cursor-location))
!                   (if (not (equal new-word (car poss)))
!                       (progn
!                         (delete-region start end)
!                         (setq start (point))
!                         (ispell-insert-word new-word)
!                         (setq end (point))))
!                   (if (not (atom replace)) ;recheck spelling of replacement
!                       (progn
!                         (if (car (cdr replace)) ; query replace requested
!                             (save-window-excursion
!                               (query-replace word new-word t)))
!                         (goto-char start)
!                         ;; single word could be split into multiple words
!                         (setq ispell-quit (not (ispell-region start end)))
!                         ))))
!            ;; keep if rechecking word and we keep choices win.
!            (if (get-buffer ispell-choices-buffer)
!                (kill-buffer ispell-choices-buffer))))
!       (ispell-pdict-save ispell-silently-savep)
!       ;; NB: Cancels ispell-quit incorrectly if called from ispell-region
!       (if ispell-quit (setq ispell-quit nil replace 'quit)))
        (goto-char cursor-location)     ; return to original location

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