> In the latest Emacs trunk the built-in function `commandp' returns
> t or nil while it returned an interactive form or nil formerly.

Actually formerly it returned either nil or non-nil, where the non-nil value
was sometimes t and other times the interactive form.

> Because of this, `defadvice' makes interactive Lisp functions non-
> interactive.  See the `ad-interactive-form' function.

Looks like a bug in advice.el.  I've just installed the patch below which
should hopefully fix it.


--- advice.el   14 jui 2007 15:01:36 -0400      1.51
+++ advice.el   26 jui 2007 14:43:27 -0400      
@@ -2473,10 +2473,6 @@
       (setq definition (indirect-function definition)))
   (and (subrp definition) (eq (cdr (subr-arity definition)) 'unevalled)))
-(defmacro ad-interactive-p (definition)
-  ;;"non-nil if DEFINITION can be called interactively."
-  (list 'commandp definition))
 (defmacro ad-subr-p (definition)
   ;;"non-nil if DEFINITION is a subr."
   (list 'subrp definition))
@@ -2590,22 +2586,13 @@
            (natnump docstring))
-(defun ad-interactive-form (definition)
-  "Return the interactive form of DEFINITION."
-  (cond ((ad-compiled-p definition)
-        (and (commandp definition)
-             (list 'interactive (aref (ad-compiled-code definition) 5))))
-       ((or (ad-advice-p definition)
-            (ad-lambda-p definition))
-        (commandp (ad-lambda-expression definition)))))
 (defun ad-body-forms (definition)
   "Return the list of body forms of DEFINITION."
   (cond ((ad-compiled-p definition)
        ((consp definition)
         (nthcdr (+ (if (ad-docstring definition) 1 0)
-                   (if (ad-interactive-form definition) 1 0))
+                   (if (interactive-form definition) 1 0))
                 (cdr (cdr (ad-lambda-expression definition)))))))
 ;; Matches the docstring of an advised definition.
@@ -3037,7 +3024,7 @@
                             (ad-get-enabled-advices function 'around)
                             (ad-get-enabled-advices function 'after)))
     (let ((interactive-form
-          (ad-interactive-form (ad-advice-definition advice))))
+          (interactive-form (ad-advice-definition advice))))
       (if interactive-form
          ;; We found the first one, use it:
          (ad-do-return interactive-form)))))
@@ -3051,7 +3038,7 @@
           (ad-has-redefining-advice function))
       (let* ((origdef (ad-real-orig-definition function))
             (origname (ad-get-advice-info-field function 'origname))
-            (orig-interactive-p (ad-interactive-p origdef))
+            (orig-interactive-p (commandp origdef))
             (orig-subr-p (ad-subr-p origdef))
             (orig-special-form-p (ad-special-form-p origdef))
             (orig-macro-p (ad-macro-p origdef))
@@ -3063,15 +3050,11 @@
              (cond (orig-macro-p nil)
-                   ((ad-interactive-form origdef)
+                   ((interactive-form origdef)
+                    (interactive-form
                     (if (and (symbolp function) (get function 'elp-info))
-                        (interactive-form (aref (get function 'elp-info) 2))
-                      (ad-interactive-form origdef)))
-                   ;; Otherwise we must have a subr: make it interactive if
-                   ;; we have to and initialize required arguments in case
-                   ;; it is called interactively:
-                   (orig-interactive-p
-                    (interactive-form origdef))))
+                          (aref (get function 'elp-info) 2)
+                        origdef)))))
              (cond ((or orig-special-form-p orig-macro-p)
                     ;; Special forms and macros will be advised into macros.
@@ -3294,8 +3277,8 @@
            (ad-arglist original-definition function))
          (if (eq (ad-definition-type original-definition) 'function)
-             (equal (ad-interactive-form original-definition)
-                    (ad-interactive-form cached-definition))))))
+             (equal (interactive-form original-definition)
+                    (interactive-form cached-definition))))))
 (defun ad-get-cache-class-id (function class)
   "Return the part of FUNCTION's cache id that identifies CLASS."
@@ -3342,8 +3325,8 @@
                       (ad-arglist cached-definition))
                (setq code 'interactive-form-mismatch)
                (or (null (nth 5 cache-id))
-                   (equal (ad-interactive-form original-definition)
-                          (ad-interactive-form cached-definition)))
+                   (equal (interactive-form original-definition)
+                          (interactive-form cached-definition)))
                (setq code 'verified))))

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