Glenn Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> make bootstrap fails in a fresh cvs checkout of the trunk, due to
> the absence of cl-loaddefs.el:
> [snip]
> There is no ChangeLog entry for the deletion of this file from CVS,
> just a log entry synced from arch:
>   * lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-loaddefs.el: Don't track this.  It is autogenerated.

I removed it mistakenly, thinking that it was autogenerated by the build
system.  After a second look, it turns out that it was not
autogenerated.  I will not have access to the source tree until tomorrow
night due to being in a different location, so please reinstate the
file, if you could.  I will be more careful in the future about removing
files.  I've also asked Miles to restore it on the Arch side.

       Michael Olson -- FSF Associate Member #652     | -- Jabber:  |  /` |\ | | |
            Sysadmin -- Hobbies: Lisp, GP2X, HCoop    | |_] | \| |_|
Projects: Emacs, Muse, ERC, EMMS, ErBot, DVC, Planner |

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