
I've been trying to get Embperl to work.
I've compiled apache, mod_perl successfully.
Then when I compile Embperl, I get an error when it's doing the tests.

I've read the FAQ:
Running ’make test’ fails with an error message at loading of Embperl
       (even though mod_perl compiled and tested cleanly!)

And when I do this:

       1.) make clean
       2.) perl Makefile.PL
           NOTE: answer _no_ to mod_perl support. (This is important!)

       3.) make test

All tests are successful.

So I did this:
Try rebuilding Apache and mod_perl from scratch, and make sure you do
       not strip symbols out of either.

However I didn't get a successful result.
Any help would be appreciated.

I have apache2054, mod_perl-2.0.1, Embperl-2.0rc5

Since the Embperl 'make test' was the only step that partially failed, I went
ahead and did 'make install' anyway.
Then I tried the following example:

                ServerName www.mydomain.com
                ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                DocumentRoot /www/mydomain/com/htdocs
                DirectoryIndex index.html
                ErrorLog /www/mydomain/com/logs/error_log
                TransferLog /www/mydomain/com/logs/access_log
                PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_ESCMODE 0
                PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_OPTIONS 16
                PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_MAILHOST mail.mydomain.com
                PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_OBJECT_BASE base.epl
                PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_OBJECT_FALLBACK notfound.html
                PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_DEBUG 0
        # Set EmbPerl handler for main directory
        <Directory "/www/mydomain/com/htdocs/">
                <FilesMatch ".*\.html$">
                        SetHandler  perl-script
                        PerlHandler HTML::EmbperlObject
                        Options     ExecCGI
                <FilesMatch ".*\.epl$">
                        Order allow,deny
                        Deny From all

And the following code:


                <TITLE>Some title</TITLE>
        Joe's Website
        [- Execute ('*') -]


        Hello world!
I couldn't get this to work. The browser said "Internal server error" (I chmod
+x the files but no improvement)

Further to that I tried a '.epl' file with the following in my httpd.conf
PerlModule Embperl

AddType text/html .epl

<Files *.epl>
        SetHandler  perl-script
        PerlHandler Embperl
        Options     ExecCGI

I tried this out with a .epl file and it worked. This was a list of vegetables
(can't find the file any more)


Kind regards.

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