Hi all,

I'm having some issues with Getting Embperl's fdat to
work when I  call Embperl::Execute from within a mod
perl handler.

I want to do this:-
                param     => [$config, $ad_tags],
                fdat => \%myfdat,
                output => \$html

Where %myfdat is a hashref of the submitted
parameters, which further processing in mod_perl will
have ammended or altered, before passing to

My problem is...

When I do a print Dumper in the Executed epl, %fdat is
empty when data is POST'ed  - I've already read it, so
this is as expected, and the reason I need to pass
%FDAT into the execute.

Secondly whenever I make a GET request, the %fdat only
contains the original values...

So basically I conclude that the fdat parameter in the
Call to Embperl::Execute is obsolete...

I cannot find any documentation on your main
documentation website at

So can you tell me what I'm supposed to use?



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