On 8/23/2012 12:59 PM, Michael Haberler wrote:
> As for Linuxcnc3, I think it would be foolish to start such effort without a 
> clear, stated intent, and actually a very simple, understandable one. Lets 
> call it a mantra.
> As far as I am concerned, I've not condensed it into a single 'Caber Feidh' 
> type battle cry, but among my goals would be:
> - simplify, simplify, simplify - take out the guru factor (can we say 'the 
> impenetrable kitchen sink of motion'..)
> - regularize interfaces, and make them combinable in new ways (why cant we 
> have layered components, say a homing comp, which USES motion to move, and 
> which you could dump if you dont like it?)
> - go back to Unix roots (why is it that we cant have a readable file of 
> motion commands, cat that on a motion device, and the machine moves? NB: we 
> have NO way of sensible regression testing motion and motion-type vehicles 
> due to that)
> - get rid of some old assumptions which turned out to be too restrictive. Fix 
> the infrastructure first, then cut and shake up.
> Thats pretty much it for me, large enough goal I'd say. Simplifying is hard 
> enough.

On my list of goals would be to increase the number of axes supported. 
Right now, we support six. I know that the current language has run out 
of letters, but I'm sure we can come up with a gcode "adjustment" to 
permit more.  For example: X&0, X&1, X&2, X&3 could mean the 0th 1st, 
2nd, 3rd linear axes. (I should comment that personally, I have no use 
for additional axes, but believe that we fix that arbitrary limitation.)

We would probably like to support multiple (replaceable) interpreters, 
so there would be an easy means to define new interpreted languages.

In order to do any of this, we need to define a new canonical machine. 
(Although I would prefer to call this a new abstract machine.) For those 
who haven't heard this before, some years ago I came across a definition 
of the term "abstraction" that fits what I mean in this context: 
"Abstraction is the principle of ignoring the differences so as to treat 
things as if they were the same."



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