I have been modifying a config to use a hm2 etho card and came across  a 

if I load sampler/ panelui before loading hm2_etho I get an error.

If I load them before, it at least loads with no error - though I haven't 
tested everything.

The pertinent errors are:

rtapi_shmem_new failed due to shmget(key=0x48534130): Permission denied
hal_stream_attach: Permission denied

shmctl(21004310, IPC_STAT, ...): Permission denied
hal_stream_detach: rtapi_shmem_delete: failed with code -22

I can reproduce this error in the sample config: sim/axis/panelui_demo

by adding two lines (before loadrt sampler) to load my etho card:

loadrt hostmot2
loadrt hm2_eth board_ip=

My guess is shared memory key conflict?

I couldn't find where hostmot2 etho uses a shared memory key.

Chris M

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