On 12/11/21 8:10 AM, mar...@r-bechtold.de wrote:
why not just dont translate it all and start documentation the
functionality in a way a new users can actually use it?

for example the German version is extremely bad, don't fit in the
layout and makes totally no sense. everybody i know here in Germany
is using the english version because the documentation and the forum
fits to this.

I think we should make the documentation better and reduce it to 1
usefull Documentation not 4 before we bother to translate it to

This Weblate interface only applies to the parts of LinuxCNC that are translated using gettext/po. This is currently only the software, *not* the documentation.

The translations of the documentation has been neglected in LinuxCNC, largely because it predates good open-source tools for translating docs.

Those tools now exist (po4a!), and a group of developers (primarily Petter, Steffen, and Silopolis) are working to extend this gettext/po/Weblate translation system to our documentation, but as you correctly point out there's a bunch of work that needs to happen to clean up the docs before that can be useful. It's in the works, but we want to get feedback on Weblate early.

Sebastian Kuzminsky

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