Dear all,

I am lost. And since git-bisect is not an eye-opener for me, maybe
someone on the list can help.

I created this minimalistic file - removing any single line makes the
problem go away.

:ini: {basebackend@docbook:'':ini}
the source code goes here - likely as a --- --- block


The build process takes this as

asciidoc -f docs/src/attribute-colon.conf -a "scriptdir=docs/src/" -d
book -o- -b docbook ../testme.adoc | xsltproc docs/src/links.x
slt - > /tmp/testme.tmp

and gives this error

-:10: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: book line 6 and
-:11: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document

which is darn correct, the file generated by asciidoc is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"

<book lang="en">

And - what can I tell - I cannot find why <programlisting> is omitted. I
presume it is a file that is generated somewhere somehow that is not
regenerated when I bisect.

My setup is on the branch
that is behind pull request . The Debian package
builds and tests successfully, I can reproduce the error locally with
"make -C src docs".

Many thanks for your pointers.


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