Am 04.12.22 um 20:25 schrieb andy pugh:
On Sun, 4 Dec 2022 at 11:45, Rod Webster <> wrote:

In recent days, Linuxcnc does not seem to like the Wayland based graphical
Do not add a root password so the default user can use sudo.
You might like to disable autologon and the screensaver.

That's three "gotchas" that can catch out the unitiated, but that can be
avoided in our own installer.
The LinuxCNC ISO exists to lower the bar for those new users who may never
have used Linux at all (I was one such, I had never looked at Linux until I
decided to control my CNC machine with LinuxCNC)
A new user needs to download and install an ISO anyway, so it might as well
be the one that does all the work rather that one that leaves the steps you
enumerate to be done later.

Another advantage of our Live image is that it allows putative users to try
out the system (and run a latency test) on their existing computers to see
which are good candidates.

For users who already have a working Linux installation, of course,
installing from the packages is the way to go.
But the ISO is not for them.

... and an ISO would reduce amount of support. Here a good example:

@Rod, this is by the way the same error I get on Bookworm.

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