
I am admittedly still impressed of the linguistic skills of chatGPT. Also, its 
translations seem superior to what Google Translate or DeepL is offering. What 
I have toyed around with is to have chatGPT comment on our documentation. It 
always praises what we have, that is the boring part. But when asking for 
possible improvements, then it goes for 
http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.9/html/install/latency-test.html like:

"Overall, the documentation provides a clear and comprehensive explanation of 
latency and its importance in LinuxCNC. The instructions for running the 
latency test and interpreting the results are also detailed and easy to follow.

However, there are a few areas that could be improved:

The introduction could benefit from a brief overview of what LinuxCNC is and 
how it works, as this would help newcomers to understand the context of the 
latency test.

The section on the disadvantages of software step pulses could be expanded upon 
to give more detail on why they are limited in terms of maximum step rate and 
pulse jitter.

The instructions for running latency-plot and latency-histogram could be 
expanded upon to provide more detail on how to interpret the output.

Including some troubleshooting tips or common issues that may arise during the 
latency test would be helpful for users who encounter problems.

Overall, the documentation is of good quality and provides useful information 
for novice LinuxCNC users."

My comments on this:

* We do not want to give an overview but a reference to where to find that 
overview could be nice, especially since it is likely that the page was found 
via Google, so the reader may not have the context.
* Introduction is short as it is all explained elsewhere in the documentation, 
but references on why something is limited and what the effect of a jitter is, 
would likely boost the confidence of our readers ("thought so").
* We have a problem with decent captions throughout the documentation.


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