Dear fellow EMC users and developers,


Several months ago I asked a question about remote control of EMC.  I
received many excellent responses - thank you all.


As the system architecture progresses, it has become clear (or clearer)
that what I need is the ability run EMC2 from within a Python shell
program (or supervisory program) running on the same computer as EMC2.
The shell program will start/stop EMC2 (not necessary, but
nice-to-have), deliver an " *.ngc"  file to EMC2 and have EMC2 execute
that file (necessary) and get status reports from EMC2 (necessary).


I have researched emcsh and emcsvr , but have come to dead-ends on both
topics.  Does anyone have any ideas on where to start my research?
Thanks!  I sense that I am just emulating a GUI (or precluding the use
of one), of which there are many excellent ones that have been developed
for EMC2.


Best regards,

-- --

Glenn Edwards


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