I have been working with EMC2 Live that I installed not long ago, and I 
need a better text editor.
I have been trying to get used to vim but that thing requires a lot of 
typing just to do simple things like split a window.  I would like to be 
able to be typing along and decide I want to split the window and just hit 
a function key followed by a cursor key to specify horizontal or vertical 
and which side of the new boarder to put the cursor.  Same with moving a 
boarder function key, cursor to select the boarder to move and keep hitting 
the cursor keys to move it then just enter to get back to editing.  And 
splitting the current window should not affect the size of the other 
windows, just put a boarder thru the center.
Simple and accurate keystroke recording and playback would be a plus.  If 
you ever used Brief 3.1 from DOS that's what I am after.

The help files for vim seem to indicate a gvim may exist someplace, I get 
an error does not exist.  I assume it has some use for a mouse and basic 
things like loading a file without having to type a 200 character path and 
file name.
Found this today, but which one or do I need all of them, and will they 
install and run on the Live installation or will I need to download other 

Is it just me or has the idea that a computer may exist without a web 
connection never occurred to most of the Linux community? :)

Andre' B.
Andre' B.  Clear Lake, Wi.

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