> Kirk Wallace wrote:
>>On Sat, 2008-05-24 at 13:49 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>Has anyone managed to set a screw cutting lathe up successfully with 
>>>Mine is a simple setup. The encoder has 1ppr and also a disk with 48 
>>>slots. The problem is that the lathe carriage does not synchronise with 
>>>the spindle nicely - it overshoots and undershoots and by the time it 
>>>settles down the thread is half cut. This happens at any speed above 
>>>about 100rpm. Other movements are beautifully smooth. 
Right.  The demo threading G-code sample does this spindle sync 
in air, and then dives the cutter in in X to start the cut, and 
then does a diagonal retract at the end of the cut, before 
dropping out of sync.


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