> On Jun 8, 2008, at 6:53 PM, Greg Michalski wrote:
>>Just thought I'd share my benchtop mill powered by EMC.
>>A question though - when I have the file loaded and touch off to the
>>workpiece - it takes FOREVER to get back to ready to let me touch  
>>off the
>>next axis.  What is this the result of?  The .ngc file is
>>www.distinctperspectives.com/X3/LimitBases.ngc I know it is a lot  
>>of milling
>>(it took a while to run) but it took longer to update after  
>>touching off
>>than it did to parse the file at loadup.  I know I'm not running a  
>>top end
>>system (it's a P3 650MHz w/384mb memory and onboard video that I  
>>picked off
>>the curb one winter afternoon)
I wonder if just backing off on the BASE_PERIOD setting would 
help.  The real time section with software step generation may 
be taking a little too much CPU time.

One other thing, do you have it on a network?  Something I've 
noticed on one system where I share the network jack is that any 
user interface stuff will run insanely slow for 10-15 minutes
after you boot.  I forget which network process is burning all 
the CPU time trying to establish some connection.


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