> Well the thing that comes to my mind is to make something in hal and use the
> index pulse to reset the C axis to zero everytime the pulse is activated. So
> the axis count will go from 0 to 360 degree and then start all over again
> from 0.
> Well it's just an approach to what i'm trying to do, i really appreciate
> your help as always :) so correct me if i'm saying something wrong please.

that is correct when you switch to C axis mode you will need to reset on 
the first index then go about getting into position
you could keep clearing on index pulse as you say to give 0 - 360 or you 
can make it so you only reset count for the thirst turn in C axis mode 
then you can have unlimited number of degrees depends what you are 
looking to do.

dont forget about the *pid.*/N/*.maxerrorI* to stop all that error 
windup from long spindle runs.

good luck with your setup.

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