  I have not heard much about an EMC Fest other than the CNC Workshop. I am
willing to host a meeting here again this year. I just need a week or two
  I have some projects to be worked on. If someone has a project they need
some machining done on we have machines to use here.
  The G&L may still need some development. If we have a meeting scheduled I
will not work on it until the meeting. I noticed an anomaly on the X axis. I
may need a little work on the marriage between the encoder and scale. I was
working on the four speed gearbox when I noticed the noise that was teeth
missing from a gear in the gear box. The gear should be reinstalled by the
end of next week. It will need some EMC attention then.
  I have the robot. I purchased mesa cards to do the interface. The mesa set
up will need some attention. I certainly need some help with the programming
and compilation of the fpga process.
  The tool changer may not be completed on the Enshu.
  The Junior needs a retrofit.
  We could play with the laser tracker to collect geometric data for a
  My geometric compensation kinematics on the Cinci needs to be expanded to
allow motion past 90 degrees. This will allow me to put EMC on the Viper.
  I have another project I would like to try. I haven't built anything yet.
I want to move a hydraulic cylinder using a positive displacement pump on a
servo motor. The pump would be connected to each end of the cylinder and
pump oil from one end to the other. The system would be pressurized by a
separate pump. Thoughts or comments?
  As of this moment I don't know of anything here that would interfere with
any scheduled EMC Fest. If we want to do this let's agree on a date have
some fun.
  With the Enshu running I will have two machines with the Axis interface
and two machines with Touchy.
  Even without an official meeting the shop is open to anyone to come here
and play (or work a project).

dos centavos
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