Hi all,

About a year ago I acquired a D510M0. A few days ago I found a 'roundtoit' and 
started to build a replacement controller for my cinci. 
The present one is a Duron 1200 running 8.04/2.4.6/7. ;-)

        mini-itx D510M0
        2 x 2Gb 800 MHz "patriot" memory sticks (DDR2)
        1 160 Gb sata Seagate Baracudda 7000
        1 sata cdrom drive (for installation only)

After trying many times (insanity) to get the 510 to install 10.04/2.5 (live) I 
took the memory to a computer place to have it tested. 
Both sticks tested fine on memtest-86. 
Came back home and plugged them in to no avail and tried the install again. 
Burned bootable cd of memtest-86. 
On the D510 it crashes in the first 2 sec.... only finds one cpu and just  
locks up. 

Moved memory to a Gigabyte with E5300 and it is presently testing just fine. 

So I need to move on ... the ideal board would be something like the D510 with 
an ide port so I can use my CF.
Lacking the availability of that maybe something like the D525MW would be 
appropriate.  I really want to use the mini-itx format. 

Ideas and or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 

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