On 2/12/2014 2:33 PM, Marius Liebenberg wrote:
> Oh and dont add a CRLF after the last entry in sections.txt. Its a bug I
> dont know how to fix.//It will run but not exit until you hit cntrl C.

It's because without a filename cat reads from stdin.  Try something
like the following instead, which adds support for comments and blank lines:

while IFS= read -r name <&3;
        case "$name" in
        #*|"")  continue ;;
        *)      cat $name >> $oname.ini ;;
done 3< sections.txt

Also, since you don't seem to be wanting to support whitespace in your
filename (cat $name instead of cat "$name") you might want to put
anything after the first whitespace on the line into a different
variable so you can have lines like:

pre_amble.sec   # Really great startup code

...in your sections.text file.  Do this like so:

while IFS= read -r name JUNK <&3;

...and you'll get:
JUNK="# Really great startup code"

...otherwise with your current code you'll get:

name="pre_amble.sec     # Really great startup code"

...which will cause problems with your cat command when it gets expanded.

Charles Steinkuehler

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