On Wed, 16 Apr 2014 19:03:23 -0400, you wrote:

>On Wednesday 16 April 2014 18:56:52 jeremy youngs did opine:
>> gene, ive been ogling one of jon elsons servo controllers for my
>> treadmill motored mill . but alas i want to do that upgrade after the
>> 1000 $ to ship the mill to home in missouri. it seems almost purpose
>> made for the application. i have been waiting to get the mill there as
>> i have been building solar panels and i think that it would be pretty
>> cool to make chips from sun power and there is not near as much sun
>> here in upstate mew york .

Modern panels are designed to work in daylight and don't need full

>Now that sounds like a cool project. Post pix of the array & storage, and 
>the mill as work proceeds. I've not bit the bullet for any solar yet, but 
>ready kilowatt has gone on strike for 19 days at a time several times over 
>the last 6 years, so I did put in a 20kw nat gas generator last fall.
>Might go solar if it ever gets down to a penny a watt, but thats not going 
>to happen as long as Obummer is messing with it, and locally (WV) we have 
>no rule about selling power back to the utils either.  They would rather 
>burn coal & make more acid rain.

They drastically reduced the sell back rate over here too! It's now
6.61p/kWh - was as high as 15 - 40p plus depending on when installed and
how much supplied.

Break even point is roughly 12 years over here for a domestic

We'd rather import Polish coal and Russian gas and burn that (even
though we have plenty of our own untapped/mined) and stick up those
noisy, inefficient, eyesore wind turbine bird killers.

Steve Blackmore

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